#!/usr/bin/env python # $Id: S03KusuNetworkRoutes.rc.py 2067 2009-02-26 04:27:38Z ggoh $ # # Copyright 2007 Platform Computing Inc. # # Licensed under GPL version 2; See LICENSE file for details. # from kusu.core import rcplugin import kusu.core.database as db from kusu.util.errors import UnsupportedOS from path import path class KusuRC(rcplugin.Plugin): def __init__(self): rcplugin.Plugin.__init__(self) self.name = 'network_routes' self.desc = 'Setting up network routes' self.ngtypes = ['installer'] self.delete = False # needs to run every time the master boots up def run(self): dev = self.getFirstProvisionDevice() return self.setupMcastStaticRoute(dev) def setupMcastStaticRoute(self, dev=None): """ Adds a static route for the multicast network on the first master nic on the 'provision' network. Needed for apps like ganglia v3.1.1 to work properly when it tries to send out multicast UDP packets. Returns False if this is not a supported OS. Returns True otherwise. """ if dev: self.runCommand('/sbin/route add -net netmask %s' % dev) try: self.addMcastStaticRouteConfig(self.os_name, dev) except UnsupportedOS: return False return True def getFirstProvisionDevice(self): """Get from kusudb the first device on the provision network.""" master_name = self.dbs.AppGlobals.selectfirst_by(kname='PrimaryInstaller').kvalue master = self.dbs.Nodes.selectfirst_by(name=master_name) for nic in master.nics: if nic.network.type == 'provision': return nic.network.device return None def addMcastStaticRouteConfig(self, os_name=None, dev=None): """ Set up static route in config files so that it survives a 'service network restart'. """ if os_name and dev: if os_name in ['sles', 'opensuse', 'suse']: line = ' %s' % dev routes_file = path('/etc/sysconfig/network/routes') elif os_name in ['rhel', 'centos', 'redhat']: line = ' dev %s' % dev routes_file = path('/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-%s' % dev) else: raise UnsupportedOS if not routes_file.exists(): routes_file.touch() if not routes_file.text().find(line) > -1: routes_file.write_lines([line], append=True)