# $Id: dhcpd.py 4028 2009-01-05 18:42:29Z ggoh $ # # Copyright 2007 Platform Computing Inc # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # # # import sys from kusu.genconfig import Report from kusu.core import database from kusu.ipfun import * from Cheetah.Template import Template from sets import Set from IPy import IP class Network(object): pass class Host(object): pass class thisReport(Report): def toolHelp(self): """toolHelp - This method provides the help screen for this particular plugin. All plugins must implement this method.""" print self.gettext("genconfig_Dhcpd_Help") def runPlugin(self, pluginargs): """runPlugin - This method provides the database report for this plugin. All plugins must implement this method. This plugin will generate the dhcpd.conf file contents.""" engine = os.getenv('KUSU_DB_ENGINE') if engine == 'mysql': dbdriver = 'mysql' else: dbdriver = 'postgres' dbdatabase = 'kusudb' dbuser = 'apache' dbpassword = 'None' dbs = database.DB(dbdriver, dbdatabase, dbuser, dbpassword) _ = self.gettext # Need to get the name of the primary installer so we can see which networks # we need to install on. installer = self.db.getAppglobals('PrimaryInstaller') if not installer: sys.stderr.write(_("genconfig_cannot_determine_primary_installer\n")) sys.exit(-1) # Get the Primary Installer's IP. try: pi_nics = dbs.Nodes.selectfirst_by(name=installer).nics pi_ip = filter(lambda x: x.network.type=='provision', pi_nics)[0].ip except: pi_ip = '' # Get the max lease time leasetime = self.db.getAppglobals('DHCPLeaseTime') if not leasetime: leasetime = 2400 # Get the DNS dnsdomain = self.db.getAppglobals('DNSZone') # Get the PROVISION type provision = dbs.AppGlobals.select_by(kname = 'PROVISION')[0].kvalue # Now get the networks query = ('select networks.network, networks.subnet, ' 'networks.gateway, networks.netid, nics.ip ' 'from networks,nics,nodes where nodes.nid=nics.nid and ' 'nics.netid=networks.netid and networks.usingdhcp=False ' 'and nodes.name=\'%s\' and networks.type=\'provision\' and not networks.device=\'bmc\'' % installer) try: self.db.execute(query) except: sys.stderr.write(_("DB_Query_Error\n")) sys.exit(-1) data = self.db.fetchall() networks = [] if data: for netinfo in data: netwrk, subnet, gateway, netid, pxehost = netinfo network = Network() network.netmask = subnet network.subnet = netwrk network.gateway = gateway network.pxehost = pxehost if not gateway: gateway = pxehost # Now cycle through the nodes on for this network.hosts = [] query = ('select nodes.name, nics.ip, nics.mac, networks.suffix, networks.device ' 'from networks,nics,nodes where nodes.nid=nics.nid and ' 'nics.netid=networks.netid and nics.boot=True and networks.usingdhcp=False') try: self.db.execute(query) except: sys.stderr.write(_("DB_Query_Error\n")) sys.exit(-1) dhcpdata = self.db.fetchall() if dhcpdata: for row in dhcpdata: # Test to see if this nodes IP lies on the same network # as this DHCP section and that there is a MAC # address for the interface. if onNetwork(netwrk, subnet, row[1]) and row[2]: host = Host() if row[3]: host.name = '%s%s' % (row[0], row[3]) else: host.name = '%s-%s' % (row[0], row[3]) # Handle interfaces that may not have a MAC # address (such as Infiniband) host.mac = row[2] host.hostname = row[0] host.ip = row[1] network.hosts.append(host) network.ranges = getNetworkRanges(network.subnet, network.netmask, network.gateway, [x.ip for x in network.hosts], provision=provision) networks.append(network) ns = {'leasetime': leasetime, 'dnsdomain': dnsdomain, 'networks': networks, 'installerip': pi_ip, 'provision': provision} t = Template(file='/opt/kusu/etc/templates/dhcpd.tmpl', searchList=[ns]) print str(t) else: print "# This machine is not the primary installer" def getNetworkRanges(subnet, netmask, gateway, hosts, provision='KUSU'): """ Returns a list of usable ranges in the the given subnet/netmask, while taking into account the IPs that are used up by the gateway and the list of hosts. subnet,netmask,gateway: dotted IP format(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) hosts: list of dotted IP format Note: This function DOES NOT check for validity of the saneness of the input values. It is assumed that the gateway and hosts are valid IPs for the subnet/netmask given. """ # Use IPy to create the range of IP addresses, and subtract the hosts. ip_hosts = [IP(x).int() for x in hosts] network = IP('%s/%s' % (subnet, netmask)) used_ips = Set([network[0], network[-1]]) if gateway: used_ips.add(IP(gateway)) # HP-ICE provisioning needs the hosts' IPs to be excluded from dhcpd's available list. if provision != 'KUSU': for h in ip_hosts: used_ips.add(IP(h)) #else: # KUSU stores fixed addresses for hosts in dhcpd, no need to further exclude their IPs. # Convert IPs to integers for easier manipulation. ip_ints = sorted([x.int() for x in used_ips]) used_ranges = splitConsecutiveRanges(ip_ints) range_startings = [x[-1] for x in used_ranges] [:-1] range_endings = [x[0] for x in used_ranges] [1:] # Create a list of (start IP, end IP) tuples to return to dhcpd config. allocatable_ranges = [] count = 0 for i,s in enumerate(range_startings): start = s+1 end = range_endings[i]-1 # Limit range to a sane size if (end - start) > 65533: end = start + 65533 count += (end - start) allocatable_ranges.append((IP(start), IP(end))) # Limit total allocable IPs if count >= 65533: break return allocatable_ranges def splitConsecutiveRanges(li): """ Look for ranges within the list that contain consecutive numbers.""" consecutive_ranges = [] last = li[0] _range = li[0:1] for x in li[1:]: if x == (_range[-1] + 1): _range.append(x) else: consecutive_ranges.append(_range) _range = [x] consecutive_ranges.append(_range) return consecutive_ranges if __name__ == '__main__': print 'Testing getNetworkRanges' r1 = getNetworkRanges('', '', '', ['', '', '']) assert r1 == [(IP(''), IP(''))], 'Bad r1: %s' % r1 r2 = getNetworkRanges('', '', '', ['', '', '']) assert r2 == [(IP(''), IP('')), (IP(''), IP(''))], 'Bad r2: %s' % r2 r3 = getNetworkRanges('', '', '', ['', '', '']) assert r3 == [(IP(''), IP('')), (IP(''), IP('')), (IP(''), IP('')), (IP(''), IP(''))], 'Bad r3: %s' % r3 r4 = getNetworkRanges('', '', '', ['', '', '']) assert r4 == [(IP(''), IP('')), (IP(''), IP('')), (IP(''), IP('')), (IP(''), IP(''))], 'Bad r4: %s' % r4 print 'OK'